Registry User Guide

1. Startup

To access the databank, go to in your Google Chrome web browser. If the computer you are working on only has Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari, please download Google Chrome from

2. Login Here

Logins have been issued for each Clinic/Agency. Please use the credentials provided to you:

  • Username: Your email address
  • Password: Provided password

Should you require additional logins or want to change the email address, please contact the System Administrator.

3. Dashboard


This is the landing page. Here you will find important information and alerts that might require your attention.

  • Outstanding Outcomes
  • Quick access to last used Donors    
  • Notice board (Messages from System Administrators)
  • A Support Email From

4. Donors Log

Donor Log

Adding a Donor:

  1. The “New Donor” Button will open a window to capture the details of a new Donor into the system.
  2. Complete all required fields and click save to add the donor to the registry.
  3. Should the Donor already exist in the registry, a message will be displayed, you can close “new donor” window by either clicking on cancel or any place next to it.

Using a Donor:

  1. Enter the ID number of the donor into the “Donor ID Number” field and click search.
  2. If the donor is found, you can view their detail, upload documents and view/create donor events.

Adding a Donor Event:

  1. Click on “New Donor Event”
    1. Egg Donor: Provide the Cycle Type, Baseline scan date and state whether there were any adverse events. Also, set the Number of Oocytes.
    1. Sperm donor: Select the number of units collected and the last blood test date.

Adding a Recipient Cycle:

  1. Ensure that you have first created the Recipient by clicking on the “New Recipient” button. Provide the Id number and Click save.
  2. Select your donor by entering their Id number and clicking on the search
    • Click on the “Recipient Cycles” button to use the Oocytes/Sperm that was captured in the donor event.
    • To create the first Recipient cycle, click on “Add Recipient Cycle”

Allocating to a Recipient:

  1. Select the allocation date, Recipient Id number and the number of eggs or units of sperm that will be allocated to the Recipient.
  2. If the recipient Id number was not captured on the previous screen, you will not be able to continue. The recipient must be captured beforehand.
  3. Click the save button to save the allocation

Use allocated Eggs/Embryos.

  1. The number of Eggs available to this recipient will be shown in yellow and the number of embryos in green.
  2. Click “Use” to transfer/fertilize or discard the eggs/embryos.
  3. Complete the event Date, Action, Amounts and Outcome. And click on the save icon.