1. Startup
To access the databank, go to https://databank.sasreg.co.za/ in your Google Chrome web browser. If the computer you are working on only has Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari, please download Google Chrome from https://www.google.com/chrome/
2. Login Here – https://databank.sasreg.co.za/account/login
Logins have been issued for each Clinic/Agency. Please use the credentials provided to you:
- Username: Your email address
- Password: Provided password
Should you require additional logins or want to change the email address, please contact the System Administrator.
3. Dashboard – https://databank.sasreg.co.za/dashboard/overview
This is the landing page. Here you will find important information and alerts that might require your attention.
- Outstanding Outcomes
- Quick access to last used Donors
- Notice board (Messages from System Administrators)
- A Support Email From
4. Donors Log – https://databank.sasreg.co.za/donors/donors-log
Adding a Donor:
- The “New Donor” Button will open a window to capture the details of a new Donor into the system.
- Complete all required fields and click save to add the donor to the registry.
- Should the Donor already exist in the registry, a message will be displayed, you can close “new donor” window by either clicking on cancel or any place next to it.
Using a Donor:
- Enter the ID number of the donor into the “Donor ID Number” field and click search.
- If the donor is found, you can view their detail, upload documents and view/create donor events.
Adding a Donor Event:
- Click on “New Donor Event”
- Egg Donor: Provide the Cycle Type, Baseline scan date and state whether there were any adverse events. Also, set the Number of Oocytes.
- Sperm donor: Select the number of units collected and the last blood test date.
Adding a Recipient Cycle:
- Ensure that you have first created the Recipient by clicking on the “New Recipient” button. Provide the Id number and Click save.
- Select your donor by entering their Id number and clicking on the search
- Click on the “Recipient Cycles” button to use the Oocytes/Sperm that was captured in the donor event.
- To create the first Recipient cycle, click on “Add Recipient Cycle”
Allocating to a Recipient:
- Select the allocation date, Recipient Id number and the number of eggs or units of sperm that will be allocated to the Recipient.
- If the recipient Id number was not captured on the previous screen, you will not be able to continue. The recipient must be captured beforehand.
- Click the save button to save the allocation
Use allocated Eggs/Embryos.
- The number of Eggs available to this recipient will be shown in yellow and the number of embryos in green.
- Click “Use” to transfer/fertilize or discard the eggs/embryos.
- Complete the event Date, Action, Amounts and Outcome. And click on the save icon.